Monday, March 29, 2010


Part 1 (The Mystery of Iniquity) In my search for God there has always been two over riding questions; first, "Something is missing;" and second, "There must be more". The human spirit is an amazing creation. We thirst, but we know not what for; we hunger, yet nothing satisfies; we look, we search. and our spiritual quest leads us on life's long journey of discovery. Ultimately our quest leads us to these questions, "Why am I here", and "Is there a purpose for my life". I was never a rebellious child, however, as I encountered God I was confronted with the decision to climb up to the mountain top and explore what the burning bush was or remain in the herd and be led around by my shepherds. On the mountain top I discovered it was just me and Him; the world faded away, all of the buzz, all of the fuss, all of the lies. My spirit began to respond, "Yes, Yes, this is what I want, this is what I have been searching for, I give you my life, I will go where you want me to go, I will do what you want me to do." To my friends and family I had gone crazy, but to me, I had discovered the realization of why I am here. See, within the human spirit there is a longing for God. He put it there, it is one of the mysteries of the Crown Jewel of God's creation. You and I my friend are not here by accident. We have a purpose. The Apostle Paul says, "We are God's workmanship." He has created and formed our spirits to stand face to face with Him, only we on our knees pouring out our hearts to Him. Yet, this is where mankind begins to miss their special purpose. God is a Spirit, we can't see Him, we can't touch Him, we have no physical contact with Him. Man wants a god he can see and touch. We build temples, we form denominations, we elevate heroes to godlike status. See, when you reject your face to face relationship with your Creator you must turn to something else. When we turn to another god our spirit is corrupted; this is what we call the "Mystery of Iniquity". This was the root of the fall of mankind's first father Adam. The Mystery of Iniquity is the perversion of true worship. It is mankind's attempt to fill that place in their spirit that was created to be filled by the lover of their soul. The world is sick, America is sick! Why, because we have rejected the living God and His Son Jesus, and we have created this thing, called the United States, that we worship. We turn to the government for all of our needs. Instead of praying to the Creator of the Universe we expect the government to solve all of our needs. Yes, this is idolatry of the first order, and it comes with all of the consequence's. One of the consequences is blindness and deafness; we have a country of people held in bondage to an idol that demands blood sacrifice. We offer the unborn on the alter, we offer the blood of our finest. Yes there is a price that your idol demands. America, repent!

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