Thursday, July 25, 2013



A German pastor friend of mine often quotes a common cliché, “there must be more”, which has become an underlying motivation in my Christian experience. This drive sets off an inquisitive desire to read between the lines and search for a deeper answer. Combined with the Holy Spirit, my search for truth has brought me to the conclusion that much of our established Christian doctrine is in error. In this article I will challenge established Christian doctrine, and hopefully you will allow me to indulge you with prophetic revelation published for the first time in this article. In this article I will lay out a perspective that challenges mainline prophecy, but am confident it is a fresh perspective straight from the heart of YHWH God. This article will challenge the legitimacy of nation state’s claims to sovereignty and will lay out YHWH God’s intention for the destiny of nations, including a clarification on Israel, the Times of the Gentiles, and much more.
I have a conflict with the development of the prophetic voice of the Christian church, and the direction of modern politics. The world is being taken down the road to slaughter and the prophetic voice of today is influence by a lying spirit.
The so called prophets have no vision and propagate a deviant message that is taking the world way off course. Modern Christian thought is misguided and wrapped around philosophies and doctrines that has been spoon fed to them by diabolic stealth strategies devised by the great deceiver. There is a story in 1 Kings 22 where King Ahab seeks counsel from four hundred preachers. These preachers proceed to prophesy and embolden Ahab to go to war, they predict that God will give him a great victory. Fortunately, one of King Ahab's allies, King Jehoshaphat, asks if there is another prophet in the house. The Prophet Micaiah comes forward and after being threatened not to contradict the other prophets, Micaiah warns Ahab that he will face certain destruction if he goes to war. Micaiah goes on to illuminate the Kings that a lying spirit has influenced the preaching of the other prophets to seduce Ahab to his own destruction. Unfortunately, Ahab rejects Micaiah’s message and goes off to his own destruction. If you ask me ninety nine percent of modern day preachers, “prophets”, have been seduced by a lying spirit; you can throw away ninety nine percent of the end time prophecy books written in the last hundred years. Most of these writers have no vision from YHWH God and they do not speak for YHWH God. The message they preach is motivated by marketing and profit. They vamp off each other and have no genuine revelation of their own, it is the same old headline wrapped up in different packages; "ISRAEL RETURNS TO HOMELAND" "EUROPEAN UNION RISES" "ANTI CHRIST IS ABOUT TO TAKE OVER". These kind of preachers are a dime a dozen and are surely leading the lambs to slaughter! Jeremiah 23:16-20.
In today’s Christian world you can’t help but be confronted with the issue of Israel. All of my Christian friends in many different circles are very passionate and entrenched with the subject of Israel. Most of them subscribe to the modern Christian Zionist world view of Israel and eschatology; which basically says that modern day Israel was birthed in 1947, and God is bringing His people back to the holy land where Jesus will return and save His people after the battle of Armageddon. Along with the Zionist worldview most modern Christians adhere to the doctrine of pre-trib Rapture or hold a mid-trib or post-trib belief. Most of them have been programed and form their worldview from these doctrines. What I have learned is that most of them have been indoctrinated into the Zionist philosophy on the modern nation state of Israel and blindly accept the dogma that they have been fed. In this article we will dig a little deeper and show you “there must be more”.
Last year I answered my telephone and on the other end I could hear a bunch of my Blood Brothers rejoicing; one of them said, “Brother Lockley you can’t believe what we just heard! A prophetic lady asked if anybody here had heard of Lockley Bremner. We all looked at each other and said, ‘We know him.’ She said she had a dream about the battle of Jerusalem, ‘All of the armies of the world were gathered and the Native Americans were the third group in line mounted on horses. When it was time to go forward into battle, suddenly she jumped off her horse and said, ‘but Lord, who will lead us into battle.’ She said a voice spoke out of heaven and very loudly said, ‘Lockley Bremner’. She said she had never heard that name and thought it was a strange name for a Native American, and she began her search to find Lockley Bremner. I received a call from an Amish friend of mine who also had the same encounter with this prophetic lady. I took this message to the Lord trying not to get too excited about it. I thought, okay Lord if this is of you, you will bring it to pass.
I finally met the prophetic lady at a Native American conference in 2012. During the conference it was prophesied that I would lead the Native Americans into the Battle of Jerusalem and was pushed into my destiny, to the pleasure of the adoring audience. This was all very exciting but there was something within me that was saying “there must be more”. My mind went to the scripture in Luke 13:31 “Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first, and consider whether he is able_ _ _.?” There has always been something within me that has a check when the subject of the nation of Israel comes up. I was not willing to blindly go into battle,
accepting the Zionist agenda, without first counting the cost and evaluating the scope of the situation. A good leader never charges blindly into battle without first having a battle plan. The old stereo type of the Indians blindly riding around the wagon train and getting shot off their horses was out of the question. What about the timing? Is the battle eminent? What about the battle of Jerusalem, is it factual, will there be an actual battle of Jerusalem or is this a spiritual application? A thousand questions came up into my mind. I was not willing to blindly accept this prophetic lady’s life altering challenge for me without first thoroughly researching the subject.
Nearly every single government in the world today is operating in breach of legitimacy, abusing the power granted to it by the people, including the so called democratic governments of the world. However, we are witnessing the disintegration of many sovereign nations around the world, and in the near future we will witness the shattering of the nations of the world. What is going on? How could powerful nation states come to nothing? Oh foolish kings and sovereigns, do you not read in Psalms 2, “Why do the heathen rage and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against YHWH GOD and against His Anointed, saying ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; YHWH GOD shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure; and the rulers take counsel together, against YHWH GOD and against His Anointed, saying ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; YHWH GOD shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure; ‘Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.’ I will declare the decree; YHWH GOD has said to Me, You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. Ask of me, and I will give You the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron. You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.” Psalms 2.
“All nations before Him are as nothing; and they are counted to Him less than nothing, and vanity.” “Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He that sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grass hoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in; that brings the princes to nothing; he makes the judges (leaders) of the earth as vanity. Yes they shall not be planted; yes, they shall not be sown; yes their stock shall not take root in the earth; and He shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither; and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble, Isaiah 40:17. (To be continued)

Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Dear Brother John, thanks for posting this article as it stirs up some interesting conversation. I agree with Dr. Sproul’s statement on the subject of “The Mystery of Iniquity”; “To this date, I have yet to find a satisfying explanation for what theologians call the mystery of iniquity.” However, he leaves us with the same dissatisfaction with his lame attempt to describe the “Mystery”. I have heard a multitude of preachers expounding on the subject but the Holy Spirit always raised a red flag, mostly because, most of them equate the Mystery of Iniquity to humanities innate disposition to commit sin. This explanation always came up short and forced me to prayerfully seek more revelation on such an important subject. I surmised that if the Mystery of Iniquity was already at work, as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:7, preparing the way for anti-Christ, then this was something we should be aware of. Thessalonians reveals to us that this resident evil will be the downfall of many unless they receive a greater power that is able to restrain the evil that is rotting their soul. To understand the Mystery of Iniquity we must go back to the beginning, before time began, into the heavenly throne room where the divine Godhead is having a planning session. Our Heavenly Father, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, YHWH asks His Son Jesus, “is there anything that you desire?” Jesus answers, “Oh Father, my desire is that I may have a bride?” Jesus asks Holy Spirit, “is there anything that you desire?” He answers, “Yes, I would like to have a dwelling place, a household, a home?” Holy Spirit turns and asks the Father, “Oh Father, is there anything that you would desire?” Father replied, “My desire is to have a family, a company of sons.” Father says, “We will create humans, in our image and after our likeness we will create him, out of one being all of our desires will be met.” Jesus said, “Yes, we will give him a free will so that he will have the power to choose to love us and become a part of our family, our household.” Holy Spirit said, “By giving him free will there is the possibility that he will choose another way.” Father said, “Yes, and if the man falls to his own will the laws of heaven will be broken and man will fall under the judgment.” worship God. This is YHWH God’s desire; that is for man to love him and to make the decision to become a part of His household, to become the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit and to become the Bride of Christ. We all know the story of the fall of mankind, when Adam chose to join Satan in the kingdom of the world, but why did he do it? That is the mystery of iniquity. Man was created to worship God, it is his innate nature to stand in the presence, face to face with his creator. The mystery of iniquity is when man’s innate desire to worship YHWH God is corrupted and he turns to something else, this is called idolatry. 1 Samuel 15:23 gives us the answer, “and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” Iniquity is idolatry. If you are not worshipping YHWH Creator God than you are worshipping something else! In the First Commandment in Exodus 20:2,3,4, “I am YHWH your God _ _ _ you shall have no other Gods before me. You shall not make unto yourself any graven image or any likeness_ _ _ you shall notbow down to them nor serve them. For I, YHWH your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me_ _ _.” In this verse He tells us that iniquity is idolatry. In Luke 4:6-8, the devil made a play to corrupt Jesus through the mystery of iniquity, “If you will worship before me, all will be yours. _ _ _ Jesus answered and said, ‘Get behind me Satan! For it is written, You shall worship YHWH your God and Him only you shall serve.” So to sum it all up, it is man’s innate desire to worship that is corrupted and leads him to worship the anti-christ. We can see the Mystery of Iniquity at work in the world creating the perfect conditions for the Man of Sin to make his appearance and the whole world will follow him.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I am not a big dreamer other than the occasional pizza or popcorn dream; however, I recently had the most vivid dream I can only call a "prophetic dream". In this dream I could see, smell, hear, and sense the fear and panic in the unfolding events, finally awakening to the realization that "there is no place to hide"! The dream started quite pleasantly at a Christian retreat located somewhere in southern Oregon. I knew this because it is a place I visit quite often and the high mountianous terrian with wide open green pastureland is one of the most beautiful spots I have seen. At the retreat sanctuary we had just finished our gathering and were standing at the large plate glass windows visiting and looking out over the distant valley when suddenly a large fleet of aircraft flying in formation came into view, flying from west to east. As they soared over the area suddenly paratroopers began to silently drop in perfect order. Hundreds of parashoots in perfect order began to fill the sky. We looked at each other in confusion and amazement not fully comprehending what was going on. Someone shouted they are coming up the valley! As we looked to the valley floor we could see military equipment and infantry moving in our direction. About then everybody began to panic not knowing what to do. Someone shouted, "We probably should try to escape and evade whatever was coming." Just as everone was running out the door military personnel broke through the doors. We did not realize that they had landed in the back of the building and were already here. People began to scream, automatic weapons rang out and I could see people being grabbed and beaten, women pulled by the hair. Somehow I managed to escape and ran jumping into an irrigation ditch. As I lay hidden from view troops manouvered by so closely I could have reached out and touched them. I could see the chin straps pulled tightly under thier chins, different from American GIs who have actual chin straps. I heard them shouting orders and commands in a language I do not know but presummed to be Russian. After, things quited down I slipped across the field to a barn like building located in a grove of trees. From there I could see the people being rounded up like cattle and dead bodies scattered around the area. My impulse was to bolt and run out of the barn, but my better sense told me to stay put because I would be instantly shot if I ran. My mind raced trying to figure out what to do; there was no where to run, no place to hide. I sat up in bed saying to myself, "Theres no place to hide, no place to hide!" You must understand that this dream was quite spontaneous as it happened before the North Korea incident and the Boston bombing. The dream prompted me to search the internet for other dreams or prophecy relating to war coming to America and I should note that these dreams are very prevelant. I believe the unconsious psyhe of the American people is alerting us that war is coming.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


King Solomon said, "There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men:" I want to say, "There is an evil which I have seen in America." Why hasn't President Obama done anything to help his own people? I recently spent a month in New Jersey most of it in Newark and was deeply appalled at the ambiguity I observed while there. Being from out west and living relatively free I went through a period of culture shock. For those of you who don't know, Newark is a hub of Black America. It is a place of a once thriving city and prosperity but the decay and delapidated infrastructure and buildings are a skeleton of a once thriving city. What I saw, was Black men walking the streets, black eyes peering from under hooded sweats, and Black women standing in line in sub freezing weather waiting for hand outs. That in itself was not what bothered me, but it was the relative prosperity that was going on in the Mexican American community. During everal trips to the shopping malls, they were crawling with Mexicans loaded with cash and spending up a storm, and the Black people standing in line on Martin Luther King Bolevard hoping to get a few free Christmas gifts for their kids. Every hotel chain in New Jersey, Marriot, Hilton, Extended Stay America, you name it, has Mexicans working. Every where you go, resturants, gas stations, Walmart, you name it the Mexicans are working. Mexicans operate the service businesses such as carpet cleaning, landscaping, painting and construction. The problem is not that Mexicans are working but it is obvious that these people are not American since most of them don't speak a word of English.This was obvious when I made several attempts to make simple requests that they just could not understand. Now I don't despise Mexicans working or having jobs but I do object when American corporations hire illegal alliens at the expense of American citizens. It is clear to me that Mr. Obama loves the multinational corporations and big banks more than his own people. Obama's supposedly compassion on Mexican Americans was more of a political ploy than reality. The reality is that Obama has opened the borders to cheap Mexican labor at the expense of his own people. The main stream media has put out the propaganda that Mexicans only take jobs that Americans wont do; that is bull_ _ _. I admire Mexicans for their diligence and willingness to work hard, but it is clear to me that the deck has been stacked against Black people. This has created a situation where we are setting on a time bomb. Black America is being set up for an angry uprising. They are a time bomb that a cleverly crafted event could ignite with a fury. Watts, and the Rodney King incident will pale in comparison to what is coming. I hope some of my Black brothers and sisters read this post and realize that this is all a set up. Don't let them do it to you!