Friday, March 26, 2010

"Native Culture Was Not Communism"

There are many things I would like to say, but for the time I will concentrate on tribalism verses socialism, communism, and capitalism. From what I understand many have taken on the politics formed from the worldview that Indian people have been irreparably damaged by the United States government and the capitalistic system of the White people; that they believe that Native people should return to their former tribal culture which they believe more closely resembles a communistic socialist society; and are motivated by a revolutionary movement to bring down the current system of capitalism and replace it with a socialist system of government. First I would like to refute the thesis that Indian culture was a communistic culture, and show you that Indians followed a dynamic leadership structure that was based on spirituality, wisdom, and the sole interest in the survival of their family units or bands. Communism and socialism are basically the same thing, however, communism crosses over from the purely economic philosophy and into a governmental system supposedly owned and run by the populace; we will refer to them in this essay as CnS. The basic philosophy of communism and socialism is materialistic while Native American culture is based upon spirituality. Capitalism is based upon private ownership. while CnS is based upon centralized control and governmental ownership of resources, production, in the name of the people. This is where CnS departs from similarities with Native culture because where CnS forces the confiscation of private property and resources; Natives believed that the Creator (God) was the sole owner of the land and resources, and they could not possess the land or resources. Natives practiced an active system of trade for goods but were not capitalists. The Europeans came over here with the concept of individual ownership of the land; however this concept was quickly corrupted when they discovered the vast amount of fertile land in North America; "The love of money is the root of all evil." Capitalism taken to its extreme is like the game of monopoly, where the rich get richer and the rest go broke. Christianity more closely resembles Native American beliefs because in true Christianity God is the owner of everything and we are only stewards of His blessings. CnS are evil and anti Christ at their core beliefs because they believe that religion is the opiate of the masses, that only ignorant and uneducated people believe in God. Their aim is to become God to the people and to control every aspect of their life.
Native tribes never had a centralized system of government. A loosely confederated group of bands had a shared language, culture, religion, and geographic location, but they never did have a shared government. They were much smaller tribal components called Bands. Some bands were very small made up of just a few family units and some were much larger. These bands would come together at certain times of the year for fellowship and celebration but the bands were never under a autocratic system. After the gathering the bands would break up into their smaller units and travel traditional hunting and gathering patterns.
Natives were not a communist society. Yes they lived in a community but it differed diabolically from communism. I have been in several former communist countries and I have many friends who lived under communist regimes. They are all thankful they no longer live under that evil system. I have seen the skeletons of communist apartments, the raping of the land, and the poverty they created. One of my friends is a farmer and he told me that during the communist era there was a shortage of food and goods. He said it wasn't because their land wasn't fruitful or productive, but the communists would come and take all of the produce and take it back to Russia. He said he was forced to go to Russia and show them how to farm, but it was a joke because the people had no incentive to work hard on the communes. Many of the people under communism were on waiting lists to buy things like cars. They said it took fifteen years to get a car; a family would save all of their lives to buy one car and they ended up with a little Travant (same as an Obama car). In a Native community the people owned their own personal goods such as tee pees, house hold goods, food, horses and weapons; under communism you only own the clothes on your back. A Natives family status depended on their ability to hunt and gather for their household,. The family unit was the strongest unit in the Native community. Generosity was the most highly honored virtue in Native culture. It was up to the individual to share their good fortune with those who had less. They were never forced to support the weak and sickly, there was no common ownership of resources. There was no such thing as taxation or a central government. The people who became known as Chiefs were those who were the most trusted and honored people in the community. They were followed because of their generosity and wisdom. The Council Fires were a forum where the community could come together and speak freely. Every person had a voice and were honored to speak their mind, but in the end they did not vote, there was no democratic rule; the Chief would make the final decision. Once the decision was made those who trusted in his leadership would follow, those who didn't had the option to go their own way. No one was forced to follow; a Chief was followed because he was a dynamic leader. The Natives believed their good fortune was based upon how well they pleased the Creator. They believed that if circumstances were hard that they had somehow offended the Creator and had to somehow atone for their sins. They did this through the various ceremonies, dances, etc. When the White Man first arrived Natives believed that they were God's messengers and had come to show them how they could better please the Creator. If the early missionaries had known the expectations of the Natives the results would have been very different. I believe the reason Europeans came to this continent was to introduce Natives to the Son of God, Jesus. Had they kept their mission to the simple gospel and allowed the Holy Spirit to form a Native Christian community I believe it would have been a beautiful culture. The Natives had already many Christian concepts in their culture and taken to its completion would have modeled Christianity far better than capitalism. Getting back to CnS; they are very deceptive because they play on peoples emotions using social justice and equality as their M/O. It is deceptive because they cannot deliver on what they portray. They must use oppression, suppression, force, and the confiscation of personal property to impose their rule. There is a ruling class of people and when taken to its completion communism always ends in tyranny and dictatorship. Carl Marx one of the founders of communism said that socialism is the first stage of communism. The losers in a communist take over is always the Christians. I personally know pastors and Christians from communist China who were put into prison, beaten, bones broken and forced to renounce their faith. They are denied employment and Their children denied education. Under communism you will end up with the same wicked rulers you would have under a capitalist system, because it is survival of the fittest. If you study history, every communist nation was built upon the blood of thousands of people who opposed their systems. To them social justice is to create class warfare by turning the Have Nots against the Haves. It is all based upon materialism; to create hatred, prejudice, and revolution against a privileged class of people who the have nots view as denying them the same basic privileges. You kids were never raised to be materialistically minded; this is where the world is waging warfare no matter what label you put on it. The only one who has denied you any worldly goods is yourself. Now my solution to all of this is the Kingdom of God. Jesus said when you pray say, "Thy Kingdom come thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." In the end, all of them are going to have to give it all back to God. Why don't you get on the right side now?

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