Thursday, April 24, 2008


One of the noble ideals of America is the "American Dream". That is the ideal that any individual who is willing to work can achieve financial success and individual freedom. I have spent most of my life struggling to attain my place in the Dream, and have faught a war to defend our right to the Dream. With the emergence of Barak Obama as a presidential candidate I have detected a tendency of his followers to denigrate "Capitalism". My first reaction is to defend capitalism; however, when capitalism in context with the emergence of globalism is taken into context it is necessary to re-examine my position. Capitalism in its pure form is much like the game of Monopoly; the rich get richer and the poor eventually go bankrupt. In the evolution of American capitalism we are entering the stage of the rich consolidating their power and the poor selling out. One of Hitlers philosophies was to introduce governmental deception through lies to the public. He believed that it was necessary, for his policies he believe good the people, but were overtly wrong, to be introduced through deception. I am afraid this has happened to us the American public; we are sheep being led to the slaughter. The deception being hid from the American public is the power and political control of the super rich. American public opinion is being controlled and manipulated by an elite class of The New World Order. Barak's followers are blind to the fact that what they are crying for, "socialism" is exactly what the rich ruling class are planning on. The Utopian idea of the redistribution of wealth is in reality a formula for the enslavement of the masses. What the masses consider the rich, in reality are middle class; will reduce the entire nation to poverty, while the super rich oligarchy continue to skim the gravy off the top. In reality the super rich do not pay taxes. They have passed laws to hid their wealth in Trusts, Foundations, and tax shelters. The Federal Reserve Board is in reality a private for profit corporation that is destroying the American dollar for the sake of globalization. On the other hand, capitalism in its present form is funneling cash into the coffers of the super rich. Exxon Corporation profits have grown from twenty five billion in 2001 to over three hundred billion last year, at the expense of the American consumer. What capitalism has evolved into is predatory profiteering, with the help of the United States government. The government who was established to protect the American Dream has become partners in destroying our economy as we know it. Take the merger of Delta Airlines with Northwest, the recent giant bank mergers, the sale of Yahoo to Microsoft; these are all symptoms of the Monopoly game of capitalism coming to a close. I guess its time to reassess our position and find out how we can capitalise on the new system. Take your pick, the Marxist agenda of Barak, or the predatory profiteering of the others.

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