Friday, May 11, 2007

Jesus, the 12th Imam

Out in the world we are being led as lambs to the slaughter. In my past blogs I identified the true nature of Islam, as the spirit of Anti Christ, and challenged Christianity to make a commitment to the evangelization of Muslims worldwide. There is a Muslim extremist jihad underway which aims to destroy western civilization and establish an Islamic caliphate. As it was created, as it has existed for 1300 years, and as it exists now, Islam is an evil political ideology empowered by spiritual darkness, the goal of which is a world wide Islamic Caliphate. An Islamic Caliphate is a world wide reign of Islam. The overwhelming majority of Muslims around the world embrace Islamic law or Shari’a as divine and authoritative. This law mandates a world wide Islamic Caliphate as a reality in the here and now, and is the underlying motive of most Muslims. Shiite writings describe events surrounding the return of the Mahdi in apocalyptic terms. The Imam Mahdi believed by Shiites to have disappeared as a child in A.D. 941. When the Mahdi returns, they contend, he will reign on earth for seven years before bringing about a final judgment and the end of the world. According to Shiite tradition, Imam Mahdi will appear on Judgment Day to herald a truly just government. The 12th imam will prompt a global battle between good and evil (with striking parallels to biblical accounts of "Armageddon") resulting in an Islamic Caliphate. Even more controversial is Iranian President Ahmadinejad's repeated invocation of Imam Mahdi, known as "the Savior of Times." Surprise, surprise! Ahmadinejad and all of his evil cohorts are going to be surprised when they discover that the next caliphate is going to be under the rule and reign of Yeshua, the Son of God. The Bible in Ephesians 1:10 declares that in God's economy and under His management of the culmination of times that Jesus would sieze the headship bringing all rule and power under His dominion. The interesting thing about this passage of scripture is the use of the word caliphate in the original Greek language. The bible uses the Greek word "kapale" which means to strike on the head, seizing the head. The picture we are given is that of Jesus seizing the spiritual headship. In the spiritual realm, Jesus is laying hold of the ruling spirits, the Prince of the power of Persia, throwing them down and taking the headship as Chief, or the ruling authority. His dominion, Daniel 7:14, is an everlasting dominion, and all peoples, nations, and languages will serve Him. Yes there will be a caliphate but it will be under the rule of Yeshua the Son of the living God, and not the usurper of authority, Allah.