Monday, August 29, 2005

Reply to "The Bible and Self Defense"

This post is a reply to an email message "The Bible and Self Defense" by Don Walker that was posted by the Visionary Advancement Strategies website My response was to the spirit of his message from quotes such as the following, " The greatest problem with this viewpoint is that neither Christianity nor the Bible teaches non-violence or pacifism. The Bible shows us in both the Old and New Testaments that our God of love is also capable of violence, retribution, and vengeance. Force is never condemned in the Scriptures – only the misuse of force. Love and force are not incompatible in the mind of God, neither are justice and force. In each situation they are only opposite sides of the same coin. Religious humanism has put all the emphasis on the side of love and pacifism, most of which has been drawn more from Mahatma Ghandi rather than the Lord Jesus Christ and a clear Biblical standard. " Dear Brother Walker, I was disturbed by the spirit of your message on. "The Bible and Self Defense". The thing that troubles me is that it represents the militant attitude that is prevalent in the American Christian community. This mind set has given place to the unjustified killing of countless innocent people around the world, and we will give an account for what we have given permission to. Yes, I would protect my family if an intruder broke into my home. I am a firearm owner, and a veteran of the Viet Nam war. I am also an honored warrior of the Blackfeet Indian Nation. As a Native American the Lord revealed to me the National mindset and attitude of the Christian world during the conquest of North America. We must step back sometimes and take a look at the bigger picture of what is going on in the spiritual realm. One of the tactics of the enemy is to create a mindset where we justify the killing of our enemies. He creates a frame of mind to where we dehumanize and vilify other human beings. And we as Christians use the Bible to justify the invasion of sovereign powers, and conquest of other nations. I can see in your rationale that you have been influenced by satanic scheme of militarism. You have been poisoned by the spirit of American imperialism that is perpetuated by the media that is owned and controlled by the American Military Industrial complex. The business of war is being generated by the rich elite, who are expert at manipulating and controlling the masses through propaganda and lies. These same tactics were used in the conquest of the Native Americans. I am astounded that the western Christian world has not been able to discern between good and evil. I believe that the need for the violent self defense you are advocating is because of the failure and disobedience of Christianity to follow the ways of the Lord Jesus. We have failed in the arena of spiritual warfare, evangelizing the world, and walking in apostolic authority. What we fail to confront today in the spirit realm will come back tomorrow and haunt us. This is revealed in the rise of militant Islam. Christianity failed in the times of the Crusades because they chose militarism as an answer to their problems. They justified the taking up of the sword and the killing of multitudes in the name of the Lord. We have created a modern day city of Babylon with our mega churches and prosperity doctrines. We are comfortable and have need of nothing. We sit in our pews and are spoon fed pop psychology and inner healing. I believe God is going to scatter our over fed, over seminar attending, selfish church. Jesus says, "After you have received the Holy Spirit you will receive power to become martyrs." This is the kind of attitude He is looking for. People who will lay down their lives for the propagation of the Gospel. We must fight this war by God's standards. I sincerely remain, His servant. Please take this email in the spirit of love for which it was intended. Pastor Lockley Bremner

Thursday, July 21, 2005


In my last post I identified the true nature of Islam, and its true enemy(Christianity). In this post I want to discuss strategies and remedies for the cancer of Islam. In general, the modern Christian world has been asleep, ignored and underestimated the threat of Islam. Islam has spread like an undetected cancer, infesting most of the western world. Today Islam worldwide holds over a billion and a half souls in its python grip. Western Europe has fallen under its influence and polititians offer policies of appeasement and political correctness. In the US Muslims number over six million, with over twelve hundred mosques. With its rapid population growth Islam has become the fastest growing religion in the world. At that rate you can plan on loosing your head or bowing down to Allah in the not too distant future. So what can we do to face this threat? I have always said, "What you fail to face today, will face you tomorrow." Historically Christians have confronted Islam militarily. The goal of the Crusades was focused more on the liberation of the Holy Land than on stopping Islam. Today, George W. Bush has resurrected the mantle of the crusades and like the crusaders of old has achieved some military success, but has failed in winning the hearts and minds of the Muslim people. Military planners fail to see the beast they are fighting. Islam is like an octopus with her tentacles spread around the world. You cut off one tentacle and there is another one to take its place. At the rate we are cutting tentacles we will exhaust our resources and energy before we win the war. I believe God has allowed the rise of Islam to provoke the Body of Christ into arising into her destiny. In the book of Revelations 19:10, "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy;" I have paraphrased this verse, "The martyrdom of Jesus is the judicial decree of heaven that is shaping the destiny of the nations." God has a plan to bring the entire universe under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and has chosen the church of Jesus as His instrument to accomplish this purpose. In many ways the church has failed miserably in her mission of evangelizing the world. As a Native American I have many bones to pick with Western Christianity on the way they evangelized my people, or should I say subjugated the Indians. Much of the energy and resources of missionary organizations has focused on East Asia and Africa, but very little in the direction of the Muslim world. While our attention has been diverted elsewhere, Islam has crept in the back door. Fear is one of the reasons Native Americans were not evangelized, and I believe fear is the main reasons we have not evangelized the Muslims. The image of heads being cut off, and Christians being jailed and killed is enough to strike fear into our hearts. In the book of Acts 1:8 Jesus said, "I have given you power to be my witnesses." A correct interpretation of that scripture should be, "I have given you the grace to be martyrs for me." I believe the church will not come into the glory and power of God until we have surrendered our lives to this cause. Islamists have perverted the doctrine of martyrdom for their evil purposes while we Christians sit in our air conditioned auditoriums listening to prosperity preaching. As I said in my last post that the true nature of Islam is spiritual and therefore we can only achieve ultimate victory through spiritual warfare. Yes, God has given our nation authority to use the sword to combat threats, and I believe we must use that sword to survive as a people, but the ultimate victory can only be won when the church of Jesus rises up into her destiny and wins the battle on the spiritual playing field. In my next post I will define spiritual warfare, and strategies for winning the victory.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


The Christian world has buried its head in the sand, and is not facing the war that is being waged against it through radical Islam. God has allowed Islam to raise its ugly murderous head to shake up a Christian world that has been sleeping. While Christianity plays with her sermonettes and indulges in her delicacies, Islamic mullahs are fueling the flames of hatred and murder in her constituencies. There are several points I would like to make to wake us up to the Islamic threat. I watched a large powerful man get taken out by a smaller weaker opponent. Ultimate Fighting is a sport where participants are allowed to use any style of combat, including boxing, wrestling, karate, jujitsu, etc. There was a huge man, six foot eleven, weighing two hundred and eighty pounds fighting a smaller man two hundred and ten pounds. The large man was very powerful and intimidating. He pounded the smaller man around the ring and appeared to have the advantage due to his strength, coordination and power. From the first round the smaller man, being weaker absorbed much of the punishment, but every chance he would get he kicked the large man in the knee. At first it didn't seem to do any damage, but the smaller man was persistent kicking the larger man time after time. The large man didn't seem to defend against this attack because he was punishing his opponent around the ring and seemed to have the advantage. By the end of the second round the large man had a slight limp as he returned to his corner. As the fight progressed the knee became very painful and the large man would bend over to guard his sore knee, each time he bent over, smack, the smaller man would hit or kick him in the head. The large man began to drag his sore leg behind in order to protect it. Finally, smack, the small man with one powerful kick, buckled the large man into a pile of pain. He had worked on this one soft spot until he finally knocked his more powerful opponent into submission. Islamic militants know that militarily they are weaker, as a result, they have resorted to the strategy of terror. By striking vulnerable innocents they instill fear and paralyze the hearts and minds of ignorant westerners. If we don't wake up to what is going on, one day this whole western civilization is going to crumble. Who is the real target of Islam, and what is the true identity of Islam? Jihad, Holy War, of Islam is in reality a spiritual warfare, and their true target is Christianity. Islam at its root is antiChrist! The only reason they have single the United States out is not because of Hollywood or American foreign policy, but because this country is the heart and soul of Christianity and world wide revival. The Koran spells out and identifies Jews and Christians as infidels that must be killed. The true goal of Islam is world control and domination, and they will use any means to accomplish their ultimate plan. The smoke screen that has gone up that Islam is a peaceful religion is a lie, because the mullahs and mosques are the incubators that spawn radical Islam. Deep down Muslim clerics are giving permission to the propagation and spread of Islam through terror, war and any other means. In reality Islam is not a religion. The true identity of Islam is a death cult! The demon of Islam can only by pacified by the shedding of innocent blood, especially Christian blood. Using the definition of a cult more closely identifies Islam than by using the definition of religion. However, Islam is much more subtle and deceptive than most cults, posing as a peaceful religion. Some cultic characteristics of Islam are; spirit of control, isolation, rule by fear, intimidation, brainwashing, radical and controlling leaders, suicide pacts. Islam fears and suppresses individual libery, individual identity and free thinking. The worldview of the Islamic world has been shaped and warped by the inhuman, antiChrist spirit that controls their ideology. Christians wake up, Islamists are out to kill you, your lifestyle, and your children. In my next post I will reveal the only way to defeat Islamic terror.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


I saw a book recently that helped me formulate a title that accurately describes the modern reservation Indian experience; the title of the book, "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder". Taking my writers privilege I expanded on the idea and changed it to, "Being Indian is a Mental Disorder". There is an insane Indian world view that is vastly different than the Euro American perspective. We Indians are quick to point out that according to the White Man's world view, he sees the world and time in a linear fashion, while Indian's way of thinking is a circular perspective. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it leads me to believe that we Indians pretty much have the view, that what goes around comes around. Maybe this is why some things never seem to change in Indian country. I was broke this year, I was broke last year, and I suppose I'll be broke next year. The old Tribal Council ripped us off, the current Tribal Council is ripping us off, and I suppose the next one will rip us off too. A friend of mine shared the definition of insanity with me, "When we do the same old things, the same old way, and expect different results, this is insanity. The truth is, if we do the same things the same way we can expect to get the same results." This pretty much sums up the the rationale of leadership in Indian County. Every two years we hear the call for change from Indian polititians. Voters, frustrated with the old regime throw out the old council in hopes that new faces will improve the quality of life on the rez. Hello! When are we going to wake up to the fact that the system we have been handed keeps us in a perpetual cycle of curruption and failure? My daughter recently asked me if I would go to the Indian clinic, and pick up a prescription for her. What an eye opening experience! When I got to the pharmacist window there were at least fifty Indians standing in line waiting for their medicine. I was praying no one would have a seizure before they got to the window. When I stopped to say hello to an old friend the whole line bristled, thinking I was cutting in line, or as they say on the rez, I wuz cheezen in. This was pretty scary seeing there was some pretty big mean looking Indian women in that line. My point is, why are there so many sick Indians and why do they have to stand in line for their medicine? Two points; first, we Indians are use to standing in line, and second, reservation life is filled with stress. We are like an abused woman, we feel like this is what we deserve. I had a philosophical dispute with a young Indian leader recently. He had just been promoted to a position of authoriy, representing Indian people, and was seeking council on how to approach this new position. I advised him to take full advantage of his position, and he has the authority to act and make decisions to benefit his Indian constituency; by virtue of the position and authority he was appointed to. He responded by saying that before he made any big decisions it was necessary for him to make friends with the superior authorities. That was two years ago, and the last I saw, he was still rubbing up to the big wigs, and not much happening at the bottom of the food chain. Ever since Indians first came into contact with the White Man we have been trying to gain favor. For two hundred years we have been standing in line playing, "Mother May I", with the federal government and its representatives. Our Tribal governments are laughable. With shrinking federal funding our reservations are caught in a pythons grip, dying a slow death. The only hope Indians have, is that maybe the Democrats will get into power next election. This also is insanity, what have the democrats done for Indians that has improved the quality of life on the rez? Nothing! Real change will not come under the current system. Indians love to use the word "Sovereignty". But I think it is too long a word for us to grasp what it really means. Until we are ready to change the way we see things we will continue to be caught in the same old rut. The more I think about it, truly, "Being Indian is a Mental Disorder">

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I Killed a Dog

When I was a young boy living on a reservation farm I murdered a dog! This dog followed me around for days. A stray that had innocently wondered into my territory. I didn't want him, but he wouldn't leave me alone. His soft brown eyes looking for my attention, wanting a pat on the head. He never did anything to provoke me to anger. He never complained or criticized me, just wagged his tail and begged for a pat on the head. One day I was out shooting gophers, and this brown dog followed me. I couldn't get rid of him. I was setting there waiting for a gopher to pop up and this brown dog looked me in the eye. Right there, I judged him, condemned him, and executed him. I shot him right between the eyes! How does that make you feel? It makes me sick to my stomach to remember that incident. I have confessed my sin and acknowledged my guilt to the Creator, and I believe His forgiveness is there for a rotten low down sinner like me. What about Terry Schiavo? She was more helpless and more pitiful than that dog! It made me sick to my stomach to watch an innocent woman being starved and dehydrated to death. She couldn't speak for herself; she couldn't protect herself. But just like that dog, standing there with his soft brown eyes looking at me, Terry laid in her bed and smiled, her soft brown eyes lovingly looking at her so called protectors. What crime did she commit? What law did she break that was deserving of the death penalty? Yet, we sentenced her, and put her to a slow death. I did nothing to help her. I wanted to go down there and forcibly rescue her, but I did nothing. I am just as guilty as the rest. We kill our innocent, our helpless, our most defenseless. We will be judged for this. One day we will all stand before our Creator and give an account for what we are responsible for. We cry and bemoan the killing of animals, but what about our invalid and helpless?

Friday, April 01, 2005


Last Sunday a Healing for the Natives ministry team traveled to the Amish settlement and spent a day with our Amish friends. During the three hour drive home I contemplated what had just taken place. How could a bunch of crazy Indians hold a meeting for these devout pious modestly dressed people? We sang, played the drum, danced, shouted, rejoiced, preached, and these Amish couldn't get enough. They were enthusiastic and animated. They responded to the word preached, and basically put most, so called charismatics to shame by their sensitivity to the anointing of the Holy Spirit. One lady commented, "your people are very different than ours." Laughing, I said, "Yeah, we are very loud." She responded, "Yes, and we are very quiet, but we need to learn how to be loud." These Amish people are desperate for God. They are desperately hungry for a move of the Spirit, and they are encountering severe persecution from their own people for this. The most recent charge brought by their denomination is called, the "Swiss Kiss"; basically an attack on the reconciliation movement between the Swiss National Church and our Amish friends. The traditional Amish leadership has singled out this new movement and have attacked the principles of forgiveness and unity that are behind the reconciliation movement. I spoke to several young Amish people who have recently joined the new movement and they explained how they are rejected and shunned by their people for following Jesus. How many of us are willing to pay the price that these Amish people are paying just to follow the Lord? Just for them to open the door for Indian Christians to come to their camp and preach was a huge step. But their love for the Lord is greater than what man can do to them. Two years ago I received a phone call from Robert, an Amish Elder, who very gently and humbly explained to me how God was leading them into reconciliation with the Bride of Christ and healing ancient divisions in the Anabaptist community. He went on and asked if they, the Amish group, could attend our annual camp meeting. Robert humbly begged, "We desired to be reunited with the Bride of Christ, and we would like to reconcile with our Native American brethren. We have seen how this country has treated the Native American people. How your land was taken, even the land we now live on, and now we want to ask you for your forgiveness?" Immediately my head started spinning and my heart pounding, old prejudices rising up inside of me. I remembered the hurtful comments of the Hutterites and my anger over the land they were intruding on. These people who spoke with German accents and reminded us of the European invasion wanted to reconcile with me! I sat stunned. The Holy Spirit urged me to welcome these new brothers with open arms. When the campmeeting arrived we had the most wonderful time of reconciliation and foot washing. The presence of the Holy Spirit fell upon us as they asked us to forgive them for the atrocities against Native Americans, and I asked them to forgive us of our prejudice and resentment. What a time of crying and rejoicing we had. The Amish brothers danced harder than the Natives that night as we played victory songs and celebrated the glory of the Lord. This unlikely reconciliation of people who are so different was a great lesson for us, and as I will explain in a future blog was an important part in the fulfillment of our destiny.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Two Worlds Posted by Hello

Reservation Suicides

While driving nine hundred miles home, from the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in South Dakota in the middle of a snow storm, I was trying to make some kind of sense of the mind boggling number of violent deaths that are occurring on our Indian reservations. News had just come in about the school shooting on the Red Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota. What would possess a fourteen year old boy to kill his grand parents, a teacher, a security guard, five fellow students, and then to turn the gun on himself and take his own life? I spent the night in Poplar Montana, tribal headquarters for the Fort Peck Indian Rez, with my inlaws. My sister inlaw who works as a jailer reported to us that they had booked eleven people into jail that night. The majority of incarcerating on the reservations are drug, alcohol, and violence related. The next day I continued my journey through the snow storm, watched a speeding van hit the ditch on the Fort Belknap rez, and finally had to hold up because of the storm in Browning on the Blackfeet Rez. I spent the night at my sons house. A few people stopped by to visit and shared some shocking statistics from a public health forum they had attended that day. On the Blackfeet rez in the last three years there have been nine hundred plus suicide attempts and over sixty successful. From 1998 to 2002 on the Standing Rock rez there has been over six hundred attempts and two hundred twenty four successful. On New Years night 2004 on the Standing Rock there were six attempts. For the four year period Standing Rock had the highest teen suicide rate per capita in the USA. That's not all, while on Standing Rock a friend came to visit and shared shocking news from the Fort Thompson rez in South Dakota. Fort Thompson has now taken over as the suicide capital of the US. Reports are now coming in that the Alaska natives and Eskimos are taking their own lives in shocking numbers. What is going on? To give a little perspective, since the beginning of the Desert Storm there have been fifteen hundred American soldiers killed. That is about the same number of Indians that have been killing themselves or each other in the same time period. Nobody seems to care if an Indian blows himself away, but we rise up in protest when one American soldier is killed. Maybe its because, since we haven't been able to assimilate the Indians into the larger culture we will just let them blow themselves away. The federal government has sent in teams of experts without much success, tribal governments are ineffective, no one seems to be offering a solution that is more powerful than just turning out the lights. In my first article, "NO MORE MULLAHS", I spoke about empowering. The idea of empowering is to invigorate, to enable someone to succeed. But the opposite of empowering is to weaken, to disable, impotence, ineptitude, incapacitate. I think the latter describes the Native American reservation experience. What I see is a people who have been stripped of their identity. Author, Kent Nerberg described it best in his book "Neither Wolf nor Dog". Nerberg illustrates the life of a people who are walking the edge of the dominant culture and desperately trying to cling to the old ways that are slipping away. In observing the reservation youth I see our young people imitating gang bangers, MTV culture, Goths, the drug culture, rappers, and more or less the culture of death. The values of past generations, and the identity of Native cultures has lost it's impact on the youth. Our reservation fathers and mentors are lost in a perpetual state of adolescence and offer no positive direction. So what am I trying to say? Its time to wake up. We have a real problem and the sugar coated solutions of the past are not working. We need a revolution of ideas. We need to break out of the mold and we need to be empowered.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Amish at Healing for the Natives Campmeeting Posted by Hello

Indians & Amish

Indians & Amish Who would ever make a connection between Native American people and the Amish people? Both of these people groups have one thing in common, disentanglement from the world. Both groups fiercely protect their cultural boundaries and try to live within the safety of what they have created. They are like water and oil; they just don’t mix. Having spent the majority of my life on the rez there is a sense of comfort and safety when I return. I remember the day I returned home from four years of military service. My eyes searched the horizon for a glimpse of mountain peaks off in the distance. When I crossed that rez line I felt the security of home. When I was growing up on the rez we encountered strange people called Hutterites. The Hutterites, Mennonites, and Amish are branches of the European Anabaptists. Hutterites settled mostly in the Midwest and Canada where they operate collective farms. Well, the Hutterites would stop by our dusty little farm house and sell my mom vegetables. I remember the dogs going crazy when these men in black clothes and black hats with long beards would come knocking on our door. We couldn’t understand their strong Germanic accent and they couldn’t understand our Indian lingo. I remember the boss man always called my mother, Mrs Hubberd. It was probably because he saw twelve kids and no food in the cupboards. I never did know the reason my dad took to chasing one of them around their truck one day. It’s a good thing he didn’t catch him, but there was one scared Hutterite. When I got older I had my own encounter with the Hutterites. They were building a new colony and several contractors had bids on their buildings. Being a builder myself I put a bid in on their work. That day I developed a deep prejudice in my heart when the job boss told me, “We don’t want any of you Indians working around here, the last Indian we hired took his first paycheck and went on a drunk.” Growing up rez has a way of spawning prejudice towards any one different, Mexicans, Blacks, and especially the White Man. Indians are so prejudice we hate each other. We hate Crows, Crees, Flatheads, those short west coast Indians, Cherokees, and any other tribe. We are even prejudice against our own children and grandchildren. Full bloods hate half breeds, half breeds hate full bloods, Catholics hate Pentecostals, Pentecostals hate traditionalists, and traditionalists hate them all. With all this prejudice going around who could ever imaging Indians and Amish coming together. Of all of the Anabaptist groups the Amish are the most separate of them all. They do not want any contact with the outside world unless it is unavoidable. They fiercely maintain their ancient traditions and religious practices. They have no electricity or modern equipment, such as cars and trucks. They still drive the horse and carriage and have maintained their traditional wardrobe. Men have beards, the ladies wear bonnets, and they continue to speak in their native German language. One thing about the Anabaptists, they love Jesus and remain devout pious Christians. I think God looked down from heaven one day and said, “I’m going to stir things up a little bit.” I’ll tell you about it on my next post.

Healing for the Natives Campmeeting Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 05, 2005

No More Mullahs

NO MORE MULLAHS It is high time American Indian people take a good look at themselves and the river we have been sold down. The Bush Administration is pumping billions of dollars and countless lives into the rebuilding of Babylon. The 2005 budget for Afghanistan and Iraq is well over seventy billion dollars. The investment in lives and blood cannot be calculated. This lofty price for the ideals of freedom and democracy is gaudy but to reservation Indians it seems empty and hypocritical. How would it look if we applied American Indian Policy to the rebuilding of Iraq? It has been interesting observing the evolution of the American Government policy regarding the people of Iraq. As best as can be described, US policy appears to be; the empowerment of the Iraqi people to become an independent sovereign nation, to govern internal affairs, economy and security. American policy has taken painstaking efforts to recognize and honor the divergent ethnic groups and unite them under one banner of Iraqi democracy. For the most part Iraqis have responded positively by stepping up to the plate and taking their future into their own hands. How their version of democracy plays out will be directly connected to their ability to consolidate power, security, and economic independence. With the American financial engine behind them rebuilding infrastructures, training security forces, stimulating the economy, and restoring oil production; Iraqis should be well on their way to establishing national sovereignty. Iraq is testimony to the premise of empowerment. But just for the sake of speculation, let’s apply the principles of American Indian policy to the Iraqi equation. In order to establish American supremacy we must make them into a domestically dependent nation. We can accomplish this by first of all, destroying all cultural identity, humiliating traditional leadership, banning all religions, and making English the official language. By doing this we can take their land, superimpose our culture and values upon them, and strip the land of its natural resources (oil). To the victor goes the spoil! Remember the superiority of western civilization and the doctrine of manifest destiny. Surely we should replace the old fashioned middle aged eastern civilization with a more highly civilized democratic society. What happened to the good old policy of greed? Next we can subjugate each tribal group or sect by putting them on their own land, we can call them reservations. A small tract of land can be given to each family (to teach them the work ethic and to encourage the concept of ownership). Preferably, put them in the desert or in the mountains. Give them a monthly ration. Just enough to keep them going, but we don’t want to make them lazy, and preferably a high carbohydrate diet to keep them warm. We will set up medical clinics so we can practice the latest medical techniques, train doctors, and experiment with the latest pharmaceuticals. No more Mullahs! We must outlaw all religions and religious practices. Do away with mosques and shrines, and no more loud speakers in the streets. Instead give them a bland sterile form of westernized religion, something that will keep them poor, guilty, and subservient to the cloth. We must not allow pride or nationalism to rise up, and we surely do not want any free thinkers. We can allocate a religious denomination to each tribal group to facilitate control until they can be fully absorbed into normal society. Make sure the religious fathers continually remind them that their culture is from the devil. Use fear to suppress any form of personal expression, and they must always think they are dumb and lazy, and unworthy. An important element in destroying their cultural identity is to take their children away from them and educate them in the western model. Make sure they do not use their indigenous names or speak their native language; always let them know that English is a superior language. By teaching them the superiority of western culture we can degrade their native culture, and be assured they will be ashamed to be called Iraqis. By taking the language, we take the identity. Create a system of government for them that gives the illusion they have power and sovereignty, but in reality they are the scum of the earth. Create a maze of rules and regulations that will keep them in confusion and under stress. Allow a few of them to become experts at running the maze and they will become the best enforcers of the system. As long as we can keep them running the maze they will have no time to lift their heads up to see the light. Remember, who ever holds the purse strings, holds the power. Throw them a bone every now and then and let them think you are the benevolent father looking out for their well being. When you throw a bone into a bunch of hungry dogs you can watch them fight and tear each other up. You can depend on this kind of leadership to destroy each other. Keep their eyes on the bone. Native American people are the weakest people on earth. We have been exposed to and submitted to unimaginable betrayals. Its time to wake up. We see the nations of the world rising up and taking destiny into their own hands. Why can't we? I am sick and tired of Indian leaders kowtowing to a system of failure. It is time for a revolution of ideas. Ideas that will set the captives free.